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The protests are centered around this man: President

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The protests are centered around this man: President  Empty The protests are centered around this man: President

Post  lynk2510 Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:39 am

BEN TINKER, CNN STUDENT NEWS: Hey there, everyone. Happy Monday, and thanks for tuning in to CNN Student News. I'm Ben Tinker, filling in today for Carl Azuz, who's got the day off. As we kick off the last week of April, we're going to get things started today in the Middle East.

First Up: Unrest in Yemen
TINKER: There's a deal being discussed in the nation of Yemen that would remove that country's president from power. That's something protesters have been pushing for weeks. They've been marching through the streets, demonstrating. And in several cases, those demonstrations have turned violent, with fighting between protesters and security forces.

The protests are centered around this man: President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who's been in power for more than 30 years. This deal, which was put together by a group of countries in that region, says that President Saleh has to step down within 30 days. It also gives him and anyone who served in his government complete immunity from prosecution.
Thousands of Yemeni people are angry at the deal, especially because it offers immunity to Saleh. They also want him to step down immediately. But as of Sunday afternoon, President Saleh had not signed the deal, and government representatives insist he won't unless the opposition groups agree to it.

Libya's Revolution Explainer
TINKER: From Yemen, we move west to the North African country of Libya and the city of Misrata. The battle to control that city has gone on now for seven weeks. Hundreds of people have been killed in the fighting between Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's forces and the rebels who want him out of power. Over the weekend, Libyan officials said they stopped their operations in Misrata, but a rebel spokesman calls that a flat-out lie.
CNN Senior International


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