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GluonGluon Empty GluonGluon

Post  tranthuongbn Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:43 pm

Gluons (pronounced /ˈɡluːɒnz/; from English glue) are elementary particles which act as the exchange particles (or gauge bosons) for the color force between quarks, analogous to the exchange of photons in the electromagnetic force between two charged particles.[6]
Since quarks make up the baryons, and the strong interaction takes place between baryons, one could say that the color force is the source of the strong interaction, or that the strong interaction is like a residual color force which extends beyond the baryons, for example when protons and neutrons are bound together in a nucleus.[7]
In technical terms, they are vector gauge bosons that mediate strong interactions of quarks in quantum c

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