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Quality charter

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! Quality charter

Post  Arthur Sat Mar 22, 2008 5:40 pm

Definition of the Forum:
The Forum is a place of mutual aid and
dialogue between the players. It is aimed at allowing to the members of
Prizee to exchange information concerning the site and games and at
earning codes. The forum would under no circumstances know how to be kept for
representative for damages that can happen further to edition or
publication of personal coordinates on the Forum.

To guarantee his good functioning, messages or mishaps introducing following characteristics are excluded:

- Message written in a language other than that of the forum
- Message
in uppercase letters, or incomprehensible
- Message or picture with
pornographic, rude, racist, violent, insulting or disdainful character

- Message praising or recalling any extreme behaviour
- Repetition of the same message several times (Flood)
- Advertising
without direct report with Prizee or the forum
- Instigation to fraud,
to cheating, to boycott, to strike, to saturation of the waiters of
- Instigation to the sale of objects in exchange for maxpack, in the
resale of maxpack, and more in general, at any commercial end.
disparagement of the society Prizee or in EAP, his products, his wage

The animators save right to refuse any message which they would not
consider correspondent to the mind of the Forum, or even to exile in a
temporary or final way the players who would not respect rules issued

Posts : 40
Join date : 2008-03-19
Age : 30
Location : Angers [France]

Game Profile
: 50,00 €B
respect rules: Never exiled


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