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Herbal cholesterol

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Herbal cholesterol Empty Herbal cholesterol

Post  sangbmt Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:34 pm

Cholesterol is one of the major causes of heart related diseases in the world today. The main reason for the increase in the incidence of Cholesterol in people is the shift of life style toward a more sedentary one and the degrading food habits. The fast food that has become so popular is not safe to be consumed over an extended period of time and the build up of the harm full Cholesterol is increased.

Cholesterol needs to be controlled effectively and safely, and the reason is that there is no short term cure to the condition other than in very critical cases were surgical intervention is required. There is the need for the cure to be natural and easy to use. There are various prescription pills that are available that decrease the Cholesterol levels but they cannot be used always as they are found to cause side effects ranging from thinning of the blood to affecting the kidneys and the lungs. Hence the FDA came up with the natural element called sterol that has the amazing capacity to significantly reduce the amount of built up Cholesterol in the body.

An herbal Cholesterol remedy is the need of the hour and the product that best suits the bill is sterolyn. This drug contains as its active ingredient sterol which is found in herbs. Hence it makes the drug natural and safe to use. Herbs and Cholesterol are related as herbs contain sterol in large amounts that can be used effectively to control Cholesterol.

The sterol present in sterolyn is capable of reducing the amount of Cholesterol in the body by about 60 % and hence is by far the most effective medicine available. it has been approved by the FDA and is a non prescription drug hence is that much more safer to use. The sterol is also capable of controlling the build up of harm full triglycerides in the blood, another potential hazard. The other ingredients such as niacin, folic acid and the vitamins B 12 and B 6 are essential for the body, hence making sterolyn a complete medicine.

The best natural Cholesterol herbal medicine is sterolyn and there needs to be an effective method that needs to be followed. The natural sources of Cholesterol in food are meat, fish, eggs and all the various dairy products. Their intake needs to be reduced and controlled, along with this there is the need for a strict exercise routine. The use of the pills alone with out any of these steps will not give the desired results. Tests have shown that two among three people will not be able to decrease their cholesterol levels with only diet control and exercise.

That is were sterolyn comes in. this drug coupled along with the diet and exercise regime will reduce the Cholesterol to acceptable levels and then help to keep it that way. The herbal way is the best way, for the mind as well as the body. The need to maintain Cholesterol levels is important and sterolyn is the best there is for the job.

Chiropractor Castle Hill
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