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Ternary form is a three-part A–B–A

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Ternary form is a three-part A–B–A Empty Ternary form is a three-part A–B–A

Post  be_map1512 Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:48 pm

Ternary form is a three-part A–B–A structure in a piece of music. The first and third parts (A) are musically identical, or very nearly so, while the second part (B) contrasts sharply with it. The B section is often known as a trio.

The first section of a piece in ternary form does not usually change key. The middle section will generally be in a different key, often the subdominant of the first section (a perfect fifth below) or the relative minor or major. It usually also has a contrasting character; in a march, for example, the highly rhythmic and strident character of the march itself is usually contrasted with a more lyrical and flowing trio. Often the trio is in a 3/4 time signature as opposed to the 4/4 of the primary march theme.

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