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lack the white rump,

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lack the white rump, Empty lack the white rump,

Post  lynk2510 Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:30 am

The smaller White-winged Chough has similar plumage but has red eyes and is found predominantly on the ground. Australian crow and raven species have white eyes and lack the white rump, and the similar-sized Australian Magpie has red eyes and prominent black and white plumage.[24] The larger Grey Currawong is readily distinguished by its lighter grey overall plumage and lack of white feathers at the base of the tail.[26] In northwestern Victoria, the Black-winged Currawong (subspecies melanoptera of the Grey) does have a darker plumage than other Grey subspecies, but its wings lack the white primaries of the Pied Currawong.[24]


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Join date : 2011-03-22

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