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The Evolution of a Hardgainer

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The Evolution of a Hardgainer Empty The Evolution of a Hardgainer

Post  sangbmt Mon May 30, 2011 9:40 am

Now I know what I'm about to say in this blog post is somewhat debatable, at least according to those people who believe the Earth is flat, only 2,000 years old, and is still the center of the universe! However, I'm going to say it anyway. Smile

Modern scientists estimate the age of the universe to be over 15 billion years old. The Earth itself is over 4 billion years old, while Modern man, as a species evolved a little over 200,000 years ago.

There I said it... yes I believe in evolution, it just seems to make sense. Yet, I still consider myself to be a spiritual person and believe in God... maybe not your God, but a higher intelligence none-the-less.

Now before you close the browser because you think I'm about to get all controversial on you; calm down, take a deep breath and open your mind to what evolution can teach a hardgainer, like yourself, about building and getting the body and life you've always dreamed of.

Survival of the Fittest (Understanding Your Primal Purpose)

If there is one goal or purpose that every species on the planet has in common on a primal, fundamental level- it is the ability to SURVIVE and to pass on its genes to the next generation. Humans are no exception.

Your body is an organism that has evolved over hundreds of thousands of years and during that time the human body has become quite accomplished at doing so (surviving that is.) Muscle mass and strength definitely have a role in our survival but it's not as big of a role as one may think. In fact, the human body has little need or desire to build muscle mass beyond the demands of what it needs to survive in its specific environment.

Did you get that? That last sentence is crucial to understand if you ever hope to pack any mass onto your ectomorphic frame. It's so important that if you simply grasped this truth alone you'd be well on your way to an awesome, muscular physique. Don't worry; I'll repeat it in a slightly different way:


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