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The Daleks decline t

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The Daleks decline t Empty The Daleks decline t

Post  lynk2510 Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:36 pm

The episode's opening continues from the final scene of "Army of Ghosts"; Dr Singh (Raji James), Mickey Smith (Noel Clarke) and Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) are trapped in a sealed room within Torchwood Tower. Four Daleks, accompanied by a device known as the "Genesis Ark", have emerged from the void ship.[2] A Dalek Supreme called Dalek Sec extracts information about Earth from Singh, killing him in the process. He discovers that a separate invasion is in progress, and sends Dalek Thay out to investigate. The Cybermen, who took control of Torchwood, detect the Dalek technology and offer an alliance. The Daleks decline their offer and the two species declare war on each other.
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