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Taka . . .

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Taka . . . Empty Taka . . .

Post  Jdevil97 Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:21 pm

Taka . . . 197

Now here is the main idea about this game and some hints:

1) But which is the goal of the play?
It is necessary to succeed in reforming the image that SinkyFrog
presents to you on his table like that which is in the bubble on top of

2) Yes but how to play?
It is simple, it is necessary to play with the mouse. You must click
on the pieces of image which you want to move and it will move.

3) Presentation of Taka !
SinkyFrog requires of you to give him a blow of hand to reform the
broken up image. You have a time maximum to respect. If you exceed it
the level is lost.

4) Level number and pics !!!
Taka has 5 levels.
Here are all the puzzles from Taka:

Taka . . . Skitoudou Taka . . . Taka3 Taka . . . Taka-niv1---2 Taka . . . Sanstitrehh2 Taka . . . Taka0
Taka . . . Taka-niv3---1 Taka . . . Bubulletaka Taka . . . Taka7 Taka . . . Taka-niv3---2 Taka . . . Taka2
Taka . . . Taka8 Taka . . . Taka Taka . . . Taka10 Taka . . . Takayh4 Taka . . . Taka-niv5

Source: Prizee.com

Posts : 81
Join date : 2008-03-22
Age : 28
Location : Canada

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