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Man of the match

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Man of the match Empty Man of the match

Post  taixyz1992 Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:48 am

In sport, a man of the match or player of the game or man of the series award is given to the outstanding player, almost always the one who makes the most impact, in a particular match or series. This can be a player from either team, usually the winning team. In professional sport the award itself may involve cash, a trophy, or a celebratory magnum of champagne, but in amateur sports, especially collegiate sports in the United States, such material prizes are often forbidden and the award is purely honorary.

Some sports have unique traditions regarding these sorts of awards, and they are especially sought after in championship or all-star matches. In some sports organisations and leagues, particularly in the United States, the term "Most Valuable Player" (MVP) is used for some of these awards. In ice hockey, three players of the game instead of only one, called the "three stars", are recognised.

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