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Sempringham Priory

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Sempringham Priory Empty Sempringham Priory

Post  taixyz1992 Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:55 am

Sempringham Priory was a priory in Lincolnshire, England, located in the medieval hamlet of Sempringham, to the northwest of Pointon. Today, all that remains of the priory is a marking on the ground where the walls stood and a square, which are identifiable only in aerial photos of the vicinity. However, the parish church of St Andrew’s, built around 1100 AD, is witness to the priory standing alone in a field away from the main road.[1] Princess Gwenllian, the daughter of Llewellyn, last true-born Prince of Wales, was held captive at this priory for much of her life.

The priory was built by Saint Gilbert of Sempringham, the only English Saint who ever founded a monastic order.[2][3][4] The priory's religious accentuation as an important religious pilgrimage site as St. Gilbert established the Gilbertine Order in 1711 by inducting ‘seven maidens’ who were his pupils when young. Alexander, Bishop of Lincoln, helped in establishing the religious buildings to the north of St. Andrews Church as a protected area.[1] St. Gilbert died at Sempringham in 1189 and was buried in the priory church. He was canonized on 13 October 1202 for the many miracles noted at his tomb in the priory. His name is prefixed to the Sempringham Priori and is known as "St. Gilbert Sempringham Priory" and is thus a well-visited pilgrimage centre.

The Priory, which functioned as a dual community made up of canons and nuns, was disbanded in 1538. The Clinton family, who took possession of the priory, demolished it completely without leaving any trace of it on the ground; they built a mansion from the building material they extracted from the demolished structure.[1]

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