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FIFA 2008 - Nintendo Wii

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Post  Mr007 Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:37 am

FIFA 2008 - Nintendo Wii (Released October 2007)

The new FIFA. I myself couldnt wait for it to come out on Wii. Innovate controls. Updated teams. What I got was mostly good, but some things are a little bit of a letdown.

Firstly, the graphics. One word, lazy. All we Wii users get are higher resolution ps2 graphics, not downgraded XBOX 360 or Ps3 graphics. I think thats just lazy of EA, as they surely rushed it and couldnt be bothered specifying the graphics engine for Wii. Some things look a bit odd, such as blurry grass and paper cut out crowds.

The gameplay has taken a big step upwards since 07, gone is the clumsy first touch and the ball no longer sticks to players. Goals are initiated by waggling the wiimote upwards or downwards, and most other motion based controls and precise, and dont ruin the game. The shooting mechanics are very fluid, and all in all the controls are really enjoyable once you get the hang after them, which doesnt take very long. All in all the new controls feel great, and you will find yourself immersed in the intensity of the controls after your first season. With the added IR functionality to navigate through menus, and the new shooting system, you are going to have a lot more fun playing it on Wii then anywhere else, despite the graphical shortcomings.

The presentation is about as good as it gets from EA, but a few things were cut out for some very obscure and downright stupid reasons. For whatever reason they deemed necessary, EA have cut out
the Be a Pro Mode and Manager modes have been completely cut out, and replaced with a few mini games (which fook like shoddy Wii Play soccer attempts). Why EA Sports didn't just leave Be a Pro and Manager modes in alongside the Wii minigames is beyond anyones guess. With that having a wealth of teams at your disposal the game still continues to be a faithful, albeit rushed FIFA port.

Overall, all the negatives aside, and believe me there are more plus's then minus's here, FIFA 08 is a great game, and I still recommend going out and buying a copy, as its a great game that you will have fun with for ages. Its also the best soccer game on Wii (maybe the only simulation one) and if you're into soccer, and have a Wii, stop reading now. Go out and buy yourself a copy. (review by Prometheus)

[SIZE="4"]Score : 8/10[/SIZE]

 FIFA 2008 - Nintendo Wii  FIFA_08

 FIFA 2008 - Nintendo Wii  Fifa08wii-gameplay2

 FIFA 2008 - Nintendo Wii  Fifa08wii_leading

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