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Coyote Cartoons - Desert Romance

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Coyote Cartoons - Desert Romance Empty Coyote Cartoons - Desert Romance

Post  sangbmt Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:02 pm

Desert Romance

According to Jerry, it was one of those great late afternoons in red rock country when the shadows of mesas and towering pinnacles of rock begin to race toward the East. At first Jerry thought it was just a lightening struck pinion tree outlined against the sky….but then it moved. A coyote. Jerry swears he never thought of a coyote as being sexy….but if ever there was a sexy coyote….this was one. Coy. Another word seldom used to describe a coyote. Coy and sexy! Without question this was a young gal of a coyote in search of a good time.

Sparky the coyote generally keeps to his own side of red rock country but he was a little bored that day so he had traveled all the way to the big mesa country north of Dark Canyon. At first he, too, thought it was just a lightening struck pinion tree outlined against the sky….but then it moved. Now when it comes to good looking coyotes of the opposite sex Sparky has some taste and judging from the curves on this coyote Sparky immediately knew this was not anything like a lightening struck tree.

If you have ever watched a coyote closely you know at times they tend to peer into the distance with a sort of glazed look. This look means the coyote is doing some serious thinking. When Sparky saw the cute little coyote flicking her tail his eyes began to glass over and he thought through his repertoire of romancing techniques to determine which might yield the best results.

We don’t know what technique Sparky used but whatever it was we know it was successful because about three hours after sunset the two of them were dressed to the nines and enjoying a romantic evening under a sky studded with stars. Although Sparky and his date thought they were in a very secluded ravine they would have been surprised if they only knew how many desert critters saw the entire event. Every critter agreed that Sparky and his sweetheart talked far into the night. Two snakes said that Sparky planned the event so well that the stars in the sky were arranged to look like a great Valentine party.
If you have every spent an evening in the red rock country with a special friend maybe you too have felt the magic night time in the desert.

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