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Boost Your Vocal Pitches with Singorama

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Boost Your Vocal Pitches with Singorama Empty Boost Your Vocal Pitches with Singorama

Post  sangbmt Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:03 pm

For years I had been the kind of individual who has no issues at all singing along to the car radio at full volume while driving down the interstate. It was my belief that I was endowed with a rather decent voice in the shower. The situation changed, however, when a few buddies of mine in a band called me up onstage to sing one of my favorite songs. I got up there and I reckon I did okay. The next time I met them, however, I became the butt of jokes. Friends had a laugh at my expense about my singing. One friend even told me he would pay me to NOT sing ever again. That day, I lost what little confidence I had in my singing capabilities, and that was when I made up my mind to try Singorama.

Before I bought it, I did my research and discovered that there are actually many vocal coaching courses online for men and women like me - people who just love to sing but who have no real training. Some software programs are taught by professional vocal coaches, who if they were teaching personally would charge a lot of bucks hourly. So, irrespective of what program I chose, I calculated that I would be getting a rather decent deal.

I came to a conclusion by selecting Singorama for a couple of reasons, the first of which was that I had read the reviews and they were all good. Every person who had experimented with the product had only positive things to say about it. I also found out that it comes with 28 interactive audio lessons, and that you do more than just pay attention to the instructor - you sing along with them. This was definitely a good thing in my books!

What really sold me on the program, however, was its presentation. I am a visual learner, I appreciated the two books that came along with it. Sometimes you need to just see something in order to process the information, and with Singorama, that was possible.

There might be a few other courses out there that have a greater following or that are taught by prominent people, but the thing that eventually sold me on Singorama was the fact that it came with its own recording studio. That's right - the program itself has a mini recording studio as part of the package. In a few minutes, I had it all loaded up on my computer and I was able to not only take lessons, but put my learning to work immediately by recording my voice.

A different plus about the program is that it is quite a comprehensive resource for would-be singers. Aside from covering everything I desired to know about enhancing my pitch and my rage, it also discusses topics I never even thought to ask about. For instance, there is a module that talks about writing songs. One more module discusses singing with a band. There was also a session on acing auditions. I do not have plans to sing commercially or professionally, but I like that Singorama included these subject areas in any case. It only shows howintuitive the course is.

One more feature that I liked was the game that came with the program. The game is called Perfect Your Pitch Pro. It was created to train my ear to acknowledge the 36 notes on a chromatic scale. That sounded like a boring lesson to learn but, have faith in me, it was anything but boring. I had so much fun playing I forgot I was in it for my vocal cords, not for fun!

Now, I will not lie to you and tell you that Singorama has helped me to become the next Adam Lambert, but I will tell you that the next time I get pulled up on stage, I will be neither ashamed nor afraid. I now have belief in my voice that I never had in the past. The reason behind this is that I feel I have gotten the knowledge that I was lacking. Furthermore, I have been able to record my own voice and hear it back. I now know what I sound like and it's quite good!

I would recommend this affordable course to any individual who wants to enhance their singing abilities and is also interested in doing some reasonably priced and very easy home recording on their computer.

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