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How to Blow the Whistle

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How to Blow the Whistle Empty How to Blow the Whistle

Post  sangbmt Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:07 pm

Whistle blowing against your former employer’s illegal activities or misconduct is a noble practice that everyone should indulged.

In our complex society, people engage in so many different activities. These activities may relate to school, community, office or business, or to some extent state-to-state activities or transactions.

Among the activities aforementioned, is in relation to the operation of business.

In the workplace context, employers engaged in various transactions. These transactions may relate to the business operation as a whole or merely transactional or for limited clientele. With these activities, some suspecting transactions that are illicit in the eyes of the law may appear.

The illegal component of these activities may be on the aspect of:

• Red-tape in government, for obtaining business licenses or complying government regulations
• or it may be in the form of transacting business beyond the specified limits
• or doing illegal trade
• Fraudulent manufacture of products, that is, violating intellectual property laws to the point of sabotaging the economy
• Persistent violation of some law or government regulations
• Violating the tax laws
• Other similar or underground activities that the employer has committed, illicitly

It is common that many employees who have a direct knowledge with the illegal activities of their employer are afraid to go out and blow the whistle. Obviously, this is normal and a basic human reaction.

On this score, various state and federal laws was created to provide protection to those legitimate whistle blowers in divulging what they have learned about the illegal activities of their employers.

In the context of employment, a whistle blower is protected by the law respecting his employment. Most law provides protection against harassment, demotion and wrongful termination for reporting fraud committed by their employers.

With this good amount of protection, there would be no reason not to blow the whistle. However, before blowing the whistle, it is a good idea to seek the advice of a whistle blower attorney to ensure your protection on the whistle blower law.

Whistle blowing may bring complex and compromising situations. Thus, as an advice, blow the whistle only after being advised by a whistle blower lawyer.

However, when you failed to confer with a lawyer before you squeal and that the employer discriminated you or retaliated against you or you are terminated on that score, likewise, you should seek and consult your case to a qualified whistle blower attorney.

The aforementioned acts of the employer may have violated various employment laws that need to be corrected. Your rights as employee may be disturbed directly or indirectly.

You should seek the guidance of an employment lawyer who has a vast knowledge in the varying whistle blowing laws as well as its procedures.

In Los Angeles, there are a huge number of whistle blower attorney specializing in this area of law. They offer quality representation and legal services. They have acquired expertise in this respect.

Los Angeles whistle blower attorneys would give you valuable legal service so that you may protect your employment rights. With them, you would know how to blow the whistle.

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