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"Crowded House" - 20th Anniversary...

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"Crowded House" - 20th Anniversary... Empty "Crowded House" - 20th Anniversary...

Post  Mr007 Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:34 am

"Crowded House" - 20th Anniversary...
April 2006 mark's the 20th Anniversary of the debut Album from Crowded
House; the fantastic self titled "Crowded House".

Now if Neil Finn though it would be easy to put together a new band after
his success with "Split Enz" then he was in for a shock, brilliantly
documented in Chris Bourke's biography of the band "Something So Strong",
bandless Finn, joined by ex Enz drummer, the late Paulo Hester, crossed the globe
with just a handful of demos in a bid to secure a record deal.

For a time it was looking bleak as lots of hopeful meetings came to
nothing. In between times Finn had put together a four-piece under the
name "The Mullanes" (Suggested by Finn's late mother as Mullane is Finn's
middle name) with bass player Nick Seymour and guitarist Craig Hooper.
Lots of shows across their native Australasia were played in front of
half-empty but vocal pub crowds, before Capitol records took a gamble and
signed them up.

Eventually, both Finn and Capitol saw the band as more a three-piece and,
after letting Hooper go, Finn, Hester and Seymour headed to LA. There they
hooked up with producer Mitchell Froom and after changing the band name to
"Crowded House" which was derived from the living conditions in LA. (The
three of them crammed into two bedroomed apartment) they embarked on a
journey packed with highs and lows. Finally ending in 1996 on the steps of
the Sydney Opera House in a free farewell concert that was witnessed by
over 150,000 people at the event and millions via TV worldwide.

20 years on, the music critics continue to pour out well trodden lines of
"Beatlesq" music, of soaring melodies, of killer hooks and supreme song
writing, Yet that only tells half a story of a beautiful collision of 3
personalities that have made such an impact on many peoples lives.

"Crowded what?" "Neil Who?" both phrase's I hear on a daily basis.
Family and friends have all asked the question, people in the office, in
the pub, in the snooker hall, at the football, in every part of my daily
life. It's like a secret only I know, a secret packed with hidden musical
gems and the starting point of this unique band. was a humdinger of an

So just what is it about these guys from the other side of the world that
makes them so special? It's quite hard to explain, but all of the band
members virtually became extended family members of their devoted fanbase,
which ranges from people who love to regale you with tales from being
"there" the very beginning, to people who are just finding out about the

Finn was the older brother you looked up to for inspiration,
Seymour was your arty elder cousin that you enviously
watched doing all the cool things you wanted to do but
couldn't and finally the late Paulo Hester was the
favourite uncle you never really saw, but whose
presence was always felt in one way or another.

Later down the timeline, Tim Finn, Neil's elder brother and founder member
of "Split Enz" would join and quickly leave, followed by the mysterious
Mark Hart and replacement Drummer Peter Jones (Who joined after Hester
left the band midway through a tortuous tour of the US) would also leave
their stamp.

Live shows became infamous as a mixture of joy, delight and sometimes even
horror, well, if Hester was let loose in Bradford with beer anyway!

Everything and anything went, shows were never the same and at times it
was like encroaching on an intimate gathering of friends who basically
played for fun and managed to give the studio recordings a whole new
dimension. The friendly "vibe" that you encountered in the crowd continues
to this day at any other "Finn" related gig, its a feeling of being part
of "something special".

"Crowded House" the album is a must have for any record collection. One of Neil Finn's
hallmarks as a writer is a "no fear" approach to lyrics. No
subject is taboo. The writing style on "Crowded House" is very direct with
melodies that reel you in combined with lyrics that make you question why
you are smiling at what you are hearing. Finn, from then until now in his
current solo incarnation, has always been renowned for his ability to take
a song and make it something deeply personal and magical.

"Don't Dream It's Over" is regularly on lists of the greatest songs of its
type. It's a song that grabs at the heart without appearing to be over
sentimental and continues to stand the test of time "Something So Strong" is
a fantastic piece on jealousy while "Mean to Me" reflects a meeting
an ill Finn had with a crazed "Split Enz" fan and "Hole in the River"
is his reaction to his Auntie committing suicide.

Gems abound on this debut CD at a rate that is rarely matched in today's song writing.
"Now We're Getting Somewhere" is a song that once embedded in your head won't let you go,
"World Where You Live" is so perfectly paced if you close your eyes it takes you on a journey you never want to end and
"Tombstone" invites you to throw your bad memories in
an open fire and you will be free and we could all do with some of that.

Possibly the highlight is "Love You Till the Day I Die", a brutally honest
piece of song writing, opens with "There's closets in my head, where dirty
things are kept, never see the light of day" to which we can all relate.
Finn then fires lyrics that strike a chord with many when the song
continues: "sometimes I can't be straight I don't want to hurt you, so
forgive me if I tell a lie " Its message will bounce around in your brain
for days on end, leaving an uncomfortable taste in the mouth.

"Crowded House",album and band, await any true music lover to find a
place for them in their heart. As the tag line from their multi-platinum
best-of, "Recurring Dream" will testify, you will soon find out that "You
know more Crowded House songs than you think you do".

Read more: http://www.musicbanter.com/album-reviews/15584-crowded-house-20th-anniversary-lyrics-country-bass.html#ixzz1ED8VhqYG


Posts : 66
Join date : 2010-12-11

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